Edgar cayce on mary magdalene

And his bride was his devoted disciple, mary magdalene. The reincarnation of mary magdalene, please click here. Q is it true that jesus in his youth loved mary, marthas. With the popularity of the davinci code, all things mary magdalene are currently hot. Plus, free twoday shipping for six months when you sign up for amazon prime for students. Since it makes for interesting reading, particularly cayce s claim that there was no sexual relationship, i am including it in more detail below. In my post on leonardo and the real mary magdalene i have a link to an article which references edgar cayce s reading on mary magdalene. He was the single most important influence that drew me to christ. All the while, i continued to study edgar cayce s readings. The reincarnation of mary magdalene new age spirituality. Since decades, or maybe even a few centuries, the discussion is going on about if jesus existed, or not.

Cayce sheds light on the character and relationships of this. There are no concrete historical proofs, neither for nor against it. Cayce sheds light on the character and relationships of this important woman and the reasons. Edgar cayces hidden history of jesus by kirk nelson. They are supposedly inspired by edgar cayces readings on mary magdalene and written into a novel by robert j. About jesus and mary magdalene christian reincarnation. There were three things he said that had a profound effect on my life. The true relationship of jesus and mary magdalene meru university.

The reincarnation of mary magdalene abracad, november 11, 2012 categories. Edgar cayce pronounced kaysee was a simple sunday school teacher who, over the span of his lifetime 18771945, had more neardeath experiences than anyone ever documented. Edgar cayce on the descendants of atlantis and rh negative. See more ideas about buddhist quotes, buddha quote and jesus pictures. Miss 295, a cousin of gladys davis, edgar cayce s longtime stenographer and secretary, was the reincarnation of mary magdalene. Louise wild discusses mary magdalene as presented in the edgar cayce readings at this free afternoon lecture at edgar cayce. His interpretation of mary and the new testament events are somewhat evangelical, but, there is a question of what denomination of christianity or mormonism they belong. According to the cayce material, jesus and adam were different incarnations of the same christ soul. However the edgar cayce readings have something to say about the matter. This page is about edgar cayce s readings on the nature of the christ, its oneness to all. A few apocryphal texts indicate that mary magdalene and jesus were a pair. Inspired by the readings of edgar cayce, mary magdalenes account of her time with jesus at. Im b negative and as edgar cayce himself we are both incarnated angelic cherubim who were the essenes all of who were cherubim to bring light to the world 2500 years ago when yeshua and his wife mary magdalene walked the earth. They are supposedly inspired by edgar cayce s readings on mary magdalene and written into a novel by robert j.

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